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Our Manifesto


Generative artificial intelligence raises questions!

What impact will it have on jobs? On the notion of intellectual property?

How can we manage data confidentiality? How can we guard against cyber attacks? What can be done to avoid inaccurate results and hallucinations? Is there a risk of losing control?

And are we actually witnessing the "machine" taking power over man, in the image of the science-fiction films that lulled our childhood?


For us at User JournAI, generative AI is an opportunity!
A chance to transform our lives and move towards a better society.

Generative artificial intelligence is not just a technological innovation, it's a revolution that is transforming our world at lightning speed.

As workers, we're going to be able to work better, in less time.
Who doesn't want to do fewer tedious tasks, and have more time to devote to substantive issues, to customer relations, and to having more free time?

Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, says that generative AI will be able to take us to a 3.5-day work week, while increasing global GDP by 7%.

As consumers, we're going to be better understood and better served by brands.
Who doesn't want to be less solicited by intrusive and irrelevant advertising, and to be accompanied in their act of purchase or in the use of their product/service?

We're convinced that the benefits of generative AI will help redefine a social model that's on its last legs!

The generative AI revolution is not just about technology; it's about redefining the dynamics of time and emotional resonance.

Of course, integration into business processes creates value, saves time, boosts productivity and therefore profitability! That's what our customers are primarly interested in.
We're going to be able to do more, faster, better and cheaper - you'd have to be mad not to!


Let's take a step back to understand the deeper benefits.
We have summarized them around 3 key notions:


Generative AI strengthens ties!

Its deployment makes knowledge sharing truly accessible. Whether in the professional world, by enabling the constitution of a common knowledge base that can be enriched ad infinitum, or in everyday life, by enabling everyone to have a precise answer to their current need.

By combining the possibilities of the machine with the intelligence of man, we can meet the major challenges facing our society and build a more sustainable, fairer and more inclusive world.


Generative AI saves time!

As a worker, by automating a large volume of low value-added tasks, and enabling teams to focus on truly contributive actions.

As a consumer, by "freeing up" available brain time thanks to much more precise targeting of advertising messages.

As ani ndividual, by facilitating everyday tasks that involve little effort.



Generative AI creates Brand Love!

Better understanding for better service. The number 1 criterion for building brand loyalty is customer satisfaction - the quality of the brand experience. Let's give ourselves the means to offer unique, personalized customer experiences.

Generative AI is redefining the rules of the game in terms of service experience!

No customer should ever again find themselves without a response to their need or request, regardless of the time or day they express it.

Connection, time and love.
These are 3 timeless concepts that are vital to mankind and cannot be bought.

At User JournAI we're not technology salespeople, but enthusiasts who believe in their role as enablers. We're committed to making AI a unifying asset, enabling companies to achieve their goals and create a better future for everyone.

We are opening the gateway to this necessary and massive transformation - a gateway to enable companies to offer connection, time and love

Join us on this extraordinary journey to unleash the transformative power of AI. Together, we can make a difference and shape a future where generative AI amplifies the best in people.

#AI #GenAI #TogetherForGood #TimeSaver #BrandLoveGenerator #Marketing #UserExperience #Client #ClientRelationship #Takeiteasy #Makeiteasy